



Friday, June 13, 2008

Add META tags to your blog

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION(SEO) is one of the most common requirements or basically the needs of the people who work online on websites or blogs . SEO forms an important part of the site development process as it helps in providing better pageranks on search engines like google , yahoo , MSN ...which means more TRAFFIC !!!!

SEO is not an alien concept . Its just basic changes in HTML combined with good site linkages , keywords and some more stuff , which if done properly can give your site a good ranking in no time ( Ofcourse the content has to be good ).

One of the most common ( a little old too ) method is adding <meta> tags in between the <head></head> tags of your document.

Those with little or no knowledge of HTML need not worry as i will give you complete step by step instructions.

# META tags for description

Locate the tag in the HTML of your should be close to the top ( search for it by pressing ctrl+f ). Once you find it then add the following line of code after <head> and before the </head> tag .

<meta name="description" content="Information about your site or blog" />

In the content section place information about your site/blog in about 200 characters...

This will definately help google and other search engines in finding out about the matter on the site and what is the site actually about .

# META tags for keywords

Locate tag as described above and then addt the followind lines of code :

<meta name="keywords" content="keywords related to the content of your site" />

Here in the content section ... write keywords separated by commas( , ) that you think best describes the content of your website and the ones you think people would use while searhing in the various search engines (one keyword should not be more than two words) .

If you encounter any troubles then drop me a mail at .


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