



Saturday, May 31, 2008

We know that in / readers must click on the new page or new popup window just to leave a comment on

our articles. that sometime just make them (well at least to me) too lazy to leave a comment, even they want to.
It’s true that blogger/blogspot is not like wordpress. In wordpress..... we can just leave a comment on the post page. so, why

can’t we have the same too on blogger/blogspot ?
we can actually !!!
here are the step.....

Please backup your template first before changing anything -

1. Go to your dashboard --> control panel --> edit html.

2. click the Expand Widget Templates

3. locate the following HTML code written below.

<b:includable id="comments" var="post"><div

class="comments" id="comments"><a name="comments"></a><b:if cond="data:post.allowComments"><h4><b:if

cond="data:post.numComments == 1">1


mments> <data:commentlabelplural></data:commentlabelplural>:</b:if></h4><dl id="comments-

block"><b:loop var="comment" values="data:post.comments"><dt class="comment-author" id="'"><a

name="'"></a><b:if cond="data:comment.authorUrl"><a href="data:comment.authorUrl"



class="comment-body"><b:if cond="data:comment.isDeleted"><span class="deleted-


.body></data:comment.body></p></b:if></dd><dd class="comment-footer"><span class="comment-

timestamp"><a title="comment permalink"


name="commentDeleteIcon" data="comment"></b:include></span></dd></b:loop></dl><p

class="comment-footer"><a onclick="data:post.addCommentOnclick"


id="backlinks-container"><div id="'data:widget.instanceId"><b:if cond="data:post.showBacklinks"><b:include

name="backlinks" data="post"></b:include></b:if></div></div></div></b:includable>

4. Replace all code above with this new html code below

Get The COde Here

[Note: sometime, somehow, if you copy that code, the single quote ‘ character will change to this symbol `i really have no idea

how could that happen. but if it so, please change it back to single character again ‘ to make it work.]
Update:in the code above, you’ll see this line :

You can change that image with your own image if you want to.

5. copy all this html code below on top of your it’s usually second last line of your html code.

<script languange="javascript">function showcomment(a,b){var bloggerstationdotcom =

document.getElementById(a); = 'none';bloggerstationdotcom = document.getElementById

(b); = 'block';}</script><script languange="'javascript'">function showcomment(a,b){var

bloggerstationdotcom = document.getElementById(a); = 'none';bloggerstationdotcom =

document.getElementById(b); = 'block';}</script>

6. Find this code below:

<span class="'post-comment-link'"><b:if cond="'data:blog.pageType"><b:if

cond="'data:post.allowComments'"><a class="'comment-link'" href="'data:post.addCommentUrl'"

onclick="'data:post.addCommentOnclick'"><b:if cond="'data:post.numComments">1



7. Change or replace with this code below:

<span class='post-comment-link'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'><b:if

cond='data:post.allowComments'><a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.url + "#comments"' ><b:if

cond='data:post.numComments == 1'>1 <data:top.commentLabel/><b:else/><data:post.numComments/>


8. and then click on the “Save Template” button.

9. Look at your blog now, it should now has a commenting system under each post.

Popup Window will let you have all submitted comments placed on top of the comment form, so it’s good rather then have those

placed on the left side of the comment form, so your readers have to scroll it to right first if they want to leave a comment.
But you can try both of them to see the differences ...


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